Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

What's black and yellow and cute all over?

Well, a Black-throated green warbler (Setophaga virens) in the garden, of course! Also had a prairie warbler in the fountain again, but wasn't quick enough to get a shot. Besides, I think this is a new entry for BlipBigYear! And, either way, it's a first for me.

Thank you all for your comments and well-wishes yesterday. I wasn't expecting such a warm response - your comments touched me. (And, yes, I married a younger man - but he is an old-soul)! We had a lovely dinner last night that we cooked ourselves - grilled sea bass and asparagus with a warm vinaigrette potato salad, eaten on the deck as the sun set. And we're ready to go another 13 years...

I found my second monarch cat today on another patch of orange milkweed that I planted in the butterfly garden! This one is a little smaller than the one I found last week, so he's still busy eating the leaves. Maybe he'll pupate in the garden which would be cool. Also had what I believe to be a Swamp Darner of some sort - a huge dragon, easily 3 inches in length, and eating a spider. I posted an additional pic of the warbler, the cat, the dragon, and a few other shots starting HERE on Flickr. Six shots total from today, plus a few from the other day of the prairie warbler in the fountain (utter cuteness). Enjoy!

Five days until I leave for vacation - going to spend a week with my parents and can't wait! Hubs is off to Vegas for a conference and then will meet me and spend a few days with my family before we head back. Counting down...


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