Lamborghini parade

I'd just been in The Mall Galleries to marvel at the British Wildlife Photographers Exhibition. How does an 8 year old capture a hare with such skill, or a human swim so close to dolphins !

I stepped outside to be confronted by dozens, and dozens, and dozens of Lamborghinis (and Ferraris too) gently gliding, stopping and starting, revving and proceeding down The Mall.

Every camera, iPad and Smartphone was trained in their direction. There were slick silver machines, traditional reds and lurid shades.

One guy in a tiny Smart car asked me to take his photo too. I did. And I could swear it was Tony Blackburn!

But I had to mark this amazing sight, coming from the distance, and you can see Buckingham Palace in this shot.

And as if that wasn't magic enough, I spent a fabulous afternoon and evening with friends - culminating in "Turandot". (Nessun Dorma plus)

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