Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Square September Sky

And now, Photographer's Hospital. The continuing storrrrry of a lens purchase, that's gone, to the dogs.

Well, perhaps not quite gone, but I couldn't resist the reference. Anyhoo ... Digital Camera Warehouse have the most bizarre anti-fraud system for online credit card purchases that either mrs tsuken or I have ever encountered. We ordered the lens yesterday evening, and today my wife got an email advising her ...

"Your credit card has been charged with a random value between $1.01 and $1.99. Please check your credit card account and take note of this amount.

Please Note: You may also see a charge for $1.00 on your statement. This charge is a separate verification, not part of the Random Verification procedure detailed above. The $1 amount is reversed, usually on the same day. Please do not enter $1.00 in the verification link below.

Once you have the amount please follow this link to the verification page and enter the amount:

Weirdest bloody thing. If I hadn't read good things about Digital Camera Warehouse I'd be getting reeeeeaaaaallllly twitchy about now.

Quite seriously, given this, the annoying experience with George's (lens listed on website, we buy lens, they phone - days later - to say they don't have lens...), and the proliferation of dodgy grey import outfits, the only place online I will buy camera gear from - ever again - is Ted's. Well, other than eBay, where you takes yer chance and expects it that way.

Right then. That out of the way, another bit of Square September. I took this (my only photo today) en route from the clinic to the railway station, making a quite conscious effort to think about a square image. It's not a particularly inspired or inspiring photograph, I know, but I am reasonably happy with how well the square worked. Also I rather like the depth in the clouds visible in a B&W conversion I did.

Large if you like.

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