Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A wet day

Oh look a blip! Yes it's not uploaded on the day it was taken but at least it's been uploaded which is better than the last couple of years.

I came down home yesterday. I had a wet and rainy driving lesson this morning (first proper time back behind the wheel in ten years). Things have changed a lot since I first learnt to drive, we spent so long sat talking through the theory of how and why we do things (complete with a folder of pictures) that my two hour lesson had to be extended to three hours so I could actually do some driving. It might not be the most practical thing to learn to drive again 120 miles from my home but I know the roads and they're far less scary so it makes sense.

The afternoon was filled with errands (in the drizzle) before a photo showing in the evening of photos from our trip to Canada.

By the time Granny had been taken home we still hadn't got a blip. I'd suggested that I wanted to try something I could only do at home drenching mum's living room in a shower of water water drops! We set up all the gear and one of mum's cameras then took turns in trying to capture something interesting happening as the drops hit the water. Various different lighting options but shooting in the dark with the external flash worked best. There were a lot of shots of "puddles" where the drop had disappeared and left just a flat ripple. Whilst the lovely drops themselves were very pretty, I like the crowns. Mum chose a little creature

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