
By pattons6

What? Caught? Me? No....

I got caught sneaking a look in a bag of toys. I was disappointed though, as the ones in that bag are for my cousin Niamh. Hmmmm now where could mummy have hidden mine?

I have had such a busy day. I was up at 8 and played with mummy . We then went to grandma and grandad's. I got to stay there while mummy went to the hospice, where she helps with the flowers. I had a reflux episode, a big one. I managed to cover grandma, grandad and myself. So they had a shower and I got a bath. I didn't want to get out of my bath, when grandad asked I said no. Well, I love my duck bath at their house.

After we were all cleaned up I has a wee snooze. With no soother, I didn't need it. When mummy came back I cried as I wanted a cuddle, I don't like being sick. I got lots of cuddles from grandad, grandma and mummy.

We then went to the shops again but it was the fantastic toy shop. Even better was that grandma let me pick a dolly as I had been so good.

Tonight I have been such a big girl. Off to sleep, no fuss, no crying and no Soother. Mummy said another tiny baby needs mine and the soother fairy will send me a gift if I can go without it. Oh can't wait.....

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