Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

How could I say no? blipping another hummingbird?

This is the same female who's been around since at least the weekend. She has a patch of feathers gone on right side of her neck, making her easy to recognize. And although I wasn't out much today, I got several good looks at her. At one point, she was chasing another hummer up into the trees, apparently wanting the feeders and flowers all to herself. She won't let me get close, which makes me thing that she is not one of the hummers that summered here, but I could be totally wrong. Maybe fall is making her nervous.

I am still feeling kind of cruddy - thinking that I may have a sinus infection since this is really dragging on too long for a cold. Whatever it is, it's messing with my photo mojo as I've not really gotten out much and would have really struggled for a shot today had it not been for my friend here.

Thank you for sending Blue to the spotlight. You all reminded me that I shouldn't become blase about our blue jays because they really are beautiful birds, and I'm lucky to be able to see them every day.

As of yesterday, it is officially fall ... and I am officially NOT ready. Not that I don't like fall, but it means that winter is around the bend ... long, bleak, cold winter. But on the up side, winter also means the return of the white throats and the juncos, so it's not all bad!

Back later. And just think, tomorrow is Hump Day!


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