
By elfin


Today has been one of those days. Some good bits but far too many people have been acting like total wankers idiots and have royally pissed me off.
- a friend's company using gutter tactics on her
- a Dutch colleague sending the most unprofessional and totally unjustified email I have ever read to one of my team (and making her cry)
- 'friends' at work being indignant about the situation with me and the fella
I know there are plenty of good people in the world and these are by far in the minority but it makes me mad. Especially when their stupidness impacts on people I care about. So Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

On the nice side caught up with a colleague who's on mat leave and her beautiful baby twins- I don't know how she does it. She was v happy about the me n fella situation. And I got some cuddles from her little fella - and gave her daughter the huge compliment of having eyes like a monkey's. Ordered wallpaper for dressing room - butterflies!

And the cooking didn't last long and had pad thai tonight - I blame the fella

TS (day 37): cream wedges

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