
By elfin


If there's a world wide shortage of turmeric at any time I think I'll survive. But it tasted yummy is the fish curry we made tonight.

Was supposed to see my personal trainer at 5pm tonight so needed to leave work a bit early. But despite having a fairly clear diary, things just kept cropping up and I still hadn't left by 5. My trainer then suggested I join his bootcamp at 6.30pm - and I meant to I really did. But more things came up and I didn't leave the office til gone 6 (over 2 hrs after plan) and couldn't make it. So I have done no exercise in ages. Must do better.

And the heating finally went on today - seems like it's getting colder and darker in the mornings and evenings and felt like the right time.

Looking forward to a full weekend at home - need to chose skirting boards, flooring for downstairs loo and finalise paint colours. Rock and roll!

TS (day 38): tan strappy wedges

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