
Portland, Day 3

It's been another packed day here in Oregon, featuring lots of walking - starting Downtown, then all along the waterfront, through the Pearl District, the Old Town, Chinatown and back Downtown.

Along the way I was able to spend a good chunk of time exploring one of Portland's most famous attractions - Powell's City of Books. The shop takes up an entire city block and stocks over a million new and used books - Booknerd nirvana! I officially pronounce it the second best bookshop in the world - first place goes, naturally, to Liverpool's very own (small but perfectly formed) News From Nowhere!

I was also able to speak with a couple of the many homeless/houseless/rough sleepers I've seen around town. Far more - and far more visible - than anywhere I've seen in the UK. Although, I've noticed the numbers creeping up in Liverpool as the fallout from the recession bites harder. I assume the numbers are higher in the US because the welfare system offers less support to those most in need although, as with the health system, the UK is moving ever closer to the US model. Disastrously so, in my opinion.

Of course, being a keen follower of Kendall's blips, I was well aware that the situation here in Portland is pretty bad but it's still been a shock to see it with my own eyes.

Louis was one of the people I spoke to this afternoon. He's originally from Vancouver, Washington and now sells the paper 'Street Roots' in Portland. It works on the same model as the 'Big Issue' in the UK, with vendors buying their own supply of papers, selling them for a dollar and receiving 75c for each sale.

I bought a copy of the paper from Louis and asked whether he'd mind me taking his picture. He was happy for me to do so but when I showed him this shot he was concerned that he looked like he'd just got out of bed. I assured him that he looked just fine to me!

Thanks for the chat Louis and thanks for letting me take your portrait.

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