Pretty but deadly...

... if you're a trout.

And thus has begun hpx's fly collection. I've been given these 3. The top one on a split ring and swivel I successfully used at Lake Benmore a few weekends ago. It's an Olive Wooly Bugger (and I kid you not about the Wooly Bugger bit). They come in various colours and we'll never know what they represent to trout. Wooly Buggers could represent anything from small fish to dragon fly nymphs

The next 2 are new and I'm yet to use them. They were given to me at the shop where I bought my new rod yesterday. In the middle is a Rabbit Fly olive with added attraction of sparkly bits like tinsel with a bit of red feather. And yes, it is a piece of rabbit skin.

I'm pretty sure the front one is a variation of a Parsons Glory Fly. Again with attractive sparkly bits in red and yellow, plus an eye. Apparently trout like to see an eye. I guess it means small fish or large bug.

Large is fascinating

I'm not a fly fisherman and will use these as part of my spin set up. Next weekend is the opening of the high country fishing season and I'll rig each up a bit differently with a 'tassie' or 'cobra' lure.

It's so windy outside I daren't try and go out into my back courtyard. Instead I've beavered away at the front for several hours. The concrete job isn't finished but I've changed around the narrow strip of garden between the path and inside of the front fence.

I've also picked some of my rampant silver beet/chard, removed some of them, planted veges where I'd previously prepared the bed and prepared more area for planting in a couple of weeks.

I watered the garden with my tears and the hose. It's been a tough time for Mum over the past day or so, but things have eased as the today has progressed. I don't mind shedding the odd tear, that's what they're for.

I can hear my physio's voice ringing in my head so I'll stretch and strengthen my various kinks now. Then a bit of prep for tomorrows tramp (if the wind ever drops) followed by a decent bit of relaxation to round my day out.

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