Early morning run

Another Saturday sunrise. Today I drove from Grey Lynn to Mission Bay, where I watched the sun rise above the low lying cloud. And ran a bit.

I had the new (new) camera. That is the replacement for the one which on Monday I damaged beyond repair. First time I've ever damaged a camera. I'm finding that it is easy enough to carry while running (at my current speed and distance) and I can get better quality shots than with the compact. Pictures such as this one.

Even though the sun is a little blown out by the exposure, that has allowed me to get enough detail of a fellow morning runner. The central city is linked by Tamaki Drive around the edge of the Waitemata nearly to the Tamaki River which enters the harbour just this side of the hills in the distance. Tamaki Drive is a favourite running course for many serious and not so serious runners and cyclists, and will be part of the course used next weekend for the annual Auckland Marathon.

S likes the inclusion of the some of the houses at Mission Bay, which is one of the most popular swimming places in Auckland. And there is a large grassed reserve between the road and the beach. This morning, four hardy young men were swimming here. Just a little to the left of this shot; they needed to be quite far out as the tide was low.

Large is good

This photo is also a (very belated) response to LovePopcorn's week 15 challenge word; running

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