jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Singing and drumming

The singing and drumming hasn't abated. These two wake up in the morning and if I'm slow getting out of bed they bounce around (on the floor, thank goodness) at the foot of the bed, singing at the tops of their lungs into the bedposts as if they're microphones.

Then they come downstairs and have breakfast, and head off into the living room to make more noise. They turned Bear's trike into some kind of musical instrument and sang and drummed VERY loudly this morning.

This afternoon the heavens opened and the rain bounced off everything, I'm glad we weren't outdoors, unlike Steve, who had been despatched off to Broadheath to the toyshop to buy Bear's birthday present (for next month). He was glad of his umbrella, otherwise he would have been stuck in the car in the carpark while it thundered and lighteninged (and I am too tired to think of the right way round to write that) and hammered down with rain. Then almost as suddenly as it started it stopped, and there were incredible rainbows all over facebook.

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