...and another spooky one...

The problem I had with the notifications on my 3rd blipday hasn't been resolved yet. Not happy. At least they could have given me an apology, don't you think?... I have to say I'm not impressed, but never mind...

I didn't have a very good day either. To start with, I was delayed on my way to work because when I put my card into the cashline machine, I didn't get any money out. I had to call to see what had happened. Apparently no money came out of my account. I'll need to check that...

I was annoyed because today, for a change, I had left the flat on time to get some stuff for my costume tomorrow and get to work on time... Well, I ended up running again!!

Yes, I'm going to a Halloween party tomorrow and I'm dressing up as a ghost pirate or, at least, I'll try!

It was a long, busy and stressful day at work today as well, so I'm feeling exhausted. I hope I have a better day tomorrow! The good thing is... I'm off at the weekend!!!!!! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I made spotlight!! I hope you all have a nice and enjoyable weekend! :)

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