T-Rex Planet Tour Cancer Awareness Project - day 4

Enjoying a dram at the Scotch Whisky Experience.

Of course, T-Rex couldn't be in edinburgh and not visit the Scotch Whisky Experience for a tour and a dram.. :)

Since I'm posting an image of T-Rex drinking alcohol, I will use this occasion to mention the fact that According to Cancer Research UK, more than four in ten types of cancer could be prevented by a few changes in lifestile. So my message is: Drink responsibly.

A mostly quiet day at work, which started with a training session about social media and finished with a tasting of two whiskies. The only highlight was yet another shoplifter being taken away by the police today.

Off tomorrow!!!! Yay!! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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