Off Centre

By RachelCarter

#Lovember the 15th. Family part 3.

Tess. AKA "Bonus Child."
Tess was born at home in January 2005 after a short-ish, simple labour.

Oh, apparently Tess wants to fill this in herself. Over to Tess:

likes:dogs, Lola, Bibi, Dylan, pizza and surfing.

dislikes:spices, embarrassing parents, and CATS.

fave food:PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fave couler:turcwoize.

lucky number:9.

unlucky number:3.

daddy is getting anoyed now biy

Thanks, Tess.

Tess was allowed to stay up late to watch Children in Need. We needn't have bothered - she was bored.
I think the highlight of Tess's evening was a sit-ups contest in the sitting (ups) rooms with Joel.

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