
By Thommey92

Knock knock. Who’s there? Doctor MO… Doctor MO Who

Bad title, I MO it is, but I am starting to struggle to keep up with writing about MOvember and moustaches as there is only so much you can say. However with the 50th Anniversary for Doctor Who last night and a friend asking for the MO tie (bow tie), I decided, why not celebrate Doctor Who’s birthday on here. So in the photo I have on my MO tie and waistcoat, accompanied by the sonic screwdriver which has come to the conclusion that there is an alien growth on my face.

Imagine if the Doctor had a moustache, I don’t think he would have had as many female companions as he's had, if he had a creepy MO like mine, want to come in a box with me and travel around? There is a sense of creepiness already, but the MO would make it seem even dodgier, but if he had a MO, this would mean the Universe would have been taken over by numerous aliens or the Universe just be finished, because his companions on occasions, save the day so if they didn’t tag along because they were freaked out by the moustache, no more safe Universe, no more humanity, so good on the Doctor for not having a moustache BUT having a beard is a different story, this makes you wiser, John Hurt is going to be an awesome Doctor. I wonder if a Zygon shape shifted into me, if they could alter the MO on my face and have it bigger and hairier. However, if I was to have a Zygon, I’d try and turn it good first then teach it to do everything I can do, then meaning I can shave and not look creepy and just do my leisure activities, that would be the life.

An extra £15 in donations today, so thank you for the MOnations, it really is appreciated.

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