because the weather forecast promised good weather. We cycled, still in the dark, to the beach, and when we pur our bikes away, the sun peeped over the horizon in the east. Beautiful colours in the sky, the sea looked blue, and the air above the water a soft pink too.
The crows sat waiting for their picture, those poles are made for them, or so they think.
And again hundreds of gulls at the shore, in the water, swirling above the water.
No wind to detain us from a firm walk. Over the sand-desert to the sea, so quiet and lonely.
All day the sky kept that amazing blue colour!
I have started the re-organize my little room, it felt like high time and the dazzling light did make it look like a spring clean. Well, who cares?

My haiku:

To be one of the crows
Sitting on the pole, preening
And chatting all day long

And the proverb:

H/zij vreest voor de schaduw zijner/haar vingeren.

Translation: He/she fears for the shadow of his/her fingers.

No explanation is given and who am I to imagine one.

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