Magical Mystery Tour ......

....... Day Two .....

So we walked for miles and miles in the very cold sunshine .... we locked our padlock (not quite professionally engraved but "home engraved") onto the Lovers Bridge, held hands and threw the key into the river (very romantic for a couple of "oldies") ..... I took pictures of everything (some were good some were rubbish) and then we climbed steps up to this palace ...... ..... so beautiful..

Back into the city for a typical *************** meal of dumplings and some cold beer and then round the Christmas market again ...... will be heading out again in 30 minutes or so ..... it's a wonderful city, the hotel is great, the staff are excellent and a good time is being had!!!!!!

So pleased you liked the Christmas Tree yesterday - I can see it out of the hotel room window :-)) ............. some of you are guessing the right country, some not ....... now, which city??

NIKON D5200 : f/8 : 1/320" : 16mm : ISO 160

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