
By Odofuran


Got a new camera yesterday, felt it was a good reason to get back to Blipfoto. I doubt I'll start doing every day again, but as often as I find myself with a decent picture. Today was the first day taking that camera out and I was very happy with it. I spent a lot of time messing around with the different photo settings and toys (I became obsessed with the Posterize feature. I wonder how long that's going to last). And the day was good in general as well, as I reconnected with my best friend and camera mentor and spent the day around Okazaki, checking out a miso factory, the castle area, and one of his favorite cafes.

This has been a big year for me. Lots of change, including a big one that is altering my future. Looking into the next year, I need to really figure out what the next step is. At the very least, I'm happy with my cameras now! Also bought a Nikon F2 analog camera this year, and that has just been my baby. Although developing costs are far too high for every day photos, so it was a big relief to upgrade my digital camera as well.

I think that's about enough rambling for the night.

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