Big Hill

By bighill

Roasted Tomatoe Sauce....

Decided to give BB's recipe for roasted tomatoe sauce
a try....they looked so beautiful and red in the sunshine....the house now smells totally devine.....but i'm not sure i've roasted them long enough....maybe i'll pop them back in the oven!!!

It's been a weird day here weatherwise....sunny one minute, then snow flurries - yup it has begun, i'm using the 'snow' word.....oh dear - it feels way to early! tried to hang out a washing on the line...but when the line is blown so far away from you that you fear falling off the porch....i think it's time for the dryer!

on another of my bestest friends is coming to Big Hill tomorrow for a visit...she is kinda new to the site....

moments and like most of us, is pretty well hooked! I'm so excited to see her and show her my new surroundings! i'm sure we'll get a great chance to do some blipping together!

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