
By benek

Smoked Out

I was out for a drive this afternoon with another blip on my mind when I saw a plume of black smoke nearby. Drove over to check it out and as I turned down the road I was met immediately by this thick, black, smelly, view-obstructing cloud. I got there before any firemen or police so I got to see them arrive and block off the street (but not before this little white van managed to brave the smoke and shoot through a gap from the other side).

Didn't get any photos as exciting as Chaos's fire, but some interesting blip documentation I think. Here's another shot after the firemen arrived, just as they were about to disappear through the cloud to go combat this thing.

More police and other security vehicles began arriving and completely blocking off and re-routing the road so I though it best to make my exit then. Just as I was walking back to my car a cop began seriously questioning the driver of the car parked two in front of mine. All I heard was "What are you doing here?" and then "Alright, all the kids out of the car NOW!" Made me a little worried as I jumped in my car behind them but I was allowed to leave quietly without a question.

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