The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Everything you need

to be a housewife.

I was given this wonderful book by my parents. It has been in the bookcase in their sitting room for many, many years and when I asked to have a look at it, they graciously said they wanted me to have it.
A very kind and generous gift,which I will treasure and enjoy.
Such wonders as; the boiling point of various fats are detailed.The knowledge of needlework is discussed and of course some wonderful traditional recipes.
But and you could tell there was a but coming, couldn't you, this is my favourite paragraph so far:

Friendships should not be hastily formed, or the heart given to every new-comer. There are women who smile on every chance acquaintance, and who have not the courage to reprove vice or to defend virtue.
Addison observed: "A friendship which makes the least noise is very often the most useful; for which reason I should prefer a prudent friend to a zealous one."

To all my zealous friends I apologise.
I am now extremely worried about the smile lines around my mouth.My secret may be out.

Botox here I come.

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