0804 to Leeds


“What do you miss most about home?"
"I suppose it can get lonely here with no family"

I don’t know what the weather was like where you were today but in Yorkshire it went from "close the curtains, that sun is too bright," to "turn all the lights on: it will be dark soon”, in less than an hour.

It meant that I had to time my visit into town, and which I failed miserably to do. Consequently, I had to look for indoor, covered areas and happened to be walking through the coach/bus station when I came upon Sanghee. She seemed to be amused by a small child close by who was being, well, a small child.

Sanghee is from S. Korea, and is in her final year of her fine art masters. It was a fairly short conversation with me doing most of the talking unfortunately, but I did ask her about the experience of living in the UK and what she missed about home - the f’s (family and food).

Right, I’m off to go put my cooking skills to good(ish) use, enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening folks.

Humans of Leeds

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