Feeding Frenzy

This picture was taken from my brother's first floor flat in Barassie, Ayrshire. This weekend has been an important one for garden birdwatchers. The RSPB sponsors a project to monitor the changing fortunes of garden birds and other garden wildlife through its network of 'citizen scientists'. Observations collected by garden birdwatchers are analysed and published. More than half a million people are expected to have been watching their garden birds during 25/26th January.

Over the years, together with the BTO, they have charted the decline of the sparrow, the rise of the woodpigeon, and have discovered that urban birds get up later than those in the country! They have also alerted conservationists to the impact of a greenfinch disease.

It was good to see a number of greenfinch at this feeder. There was a strict pecking order with some sitting on the branches watching for a chance to grab a feeding perch.

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