Yet another .....

........ "I'm not really sure about this but ..... " photograph.

Starters .... I selected HDR (high) in my Nikon for a change and to try and make the best of a long-distance, drab landscape shot ..... to be really honest, I am not a lover of HDR generally - I find the colours a little too colourful and the intensity a little too intense (a very personal opinion) .....

I had to take the shot over a hedge, from a lay-by (rest area) and huuuge field ... and the weather was "intermittent" (and that's being positive instead of negative) ........

Enders ...... getting home ( and uploading) I thought it looked a little like someone had painted it rather than taken a photo of it ...... all good if that was the intention but I like photography not painting (sorry, I LIKE painting but I want my photos to look more like photos) ...... okay, sounds like I am digging a big, big hole here ... so I will stop. Please do not be offended if you are the biggest fan in the world of HDR - we all have our preferences .... it would be a boring old place if we didn't!!!

More art than photography .....

I hope you like my "pseudo-painting" of Lincoln Cathedral taken today while I visited my Mum in hospital - all I did was straighten and crop .... weehee - almost SOOC :-)))

To be really honest - the more I look at it the more I think it's quite nice - just not a photograph in the true sense of the word - hell, I'm an old stick-in-the-mud, old fashioned kinda girl - lol

Mr Gilbert Gull screeched and spat out his stolen fish and chips when I told him you had him flying onto the spotlight page - I am less rude about spitting and will say a genteel thank you to you all for that :-)

NIKON D5200 : f/5 : 1/80" : 105mm : ISO 250

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