Keeping it Simple

for DDW's January Challenge Day 31: "Still Life"

Uneventful day yesterday, but having a bit of spare time on my hands, I was able to put a bit of effort into the photo for the day and it paid off as I got a total of 5 favourites; my best ever response to a picture and I'm very grateful to those who favoured me. It means a lot.

Looking forward to the weekend. 6 nations kicks off on Saturday and England play France. Not sure it will be a pretty game, but it will have me on the edge of my seat.

Family coming round for dinner as well. I feel another game of Dixit coming on. It was the one game everyone joined in with over Xmas and it went down very well.

Heard from Rosina this morning. After several disappointments on her trip up the Gold Coast with excursions being called off due to the bad weather, she finally got to swim off the Great Barrier Reef today. She has rated it as easily the best thing she has ever done and tells me I have to do it. OK then, I'm off to the bottom of the garden to shake the money tree yet again. I may just about raise enough for a weekend in the Lakes. I can't see it paying for a 3 week tour of Australia until it has had time to recover from Rosina's year long trip!

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