Chick Adee Takes The Gold In The Ski Jumping Event

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It was a wild day on the slopes here at the Alternative Olympic Games. Chick Adee was the clear winner in ski jumping today. As I watched him soar through the air on that ski ... I swear, it was as though he could fly!! His form was impeccable; he leaned out over the tip of his ski, propelling himself over 100 millimeters down hill to win the competition. The roar of the crowd was deafening as he stuck the landing... Team chickadee and their supporters can really make some noise!

Over at the Quarter Pipe, Chick's sister, Chicky, tore it up ridin' goofy! Her 180's and 360's were crazy cool. Chicky's first class carving got her through the qualifying round.. We'll have to keep an eye on her later this week at the finals.

After spending the better part of the day at the slopes, I was happy to move indoors to the Arial Acts Stadium. (Had I spent much more time out in that weather, I think I may have lost my toes...) New to the AOG this year, the High Wire Act didn't disappoint. Once again team Chickadee was represented well. This young lady performed death-defying moves high up in the air, without a net! I swear, I gasped more during this performance than I have during any extreme sporting event.

That's all for today... Have a good night everyone... BetsysPics, reporting for Team Chickadee.

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