Sorry for being late!!

I was só indecisive yesterday!! Eisch, the adrenalin all used up for all the wonderful things that happened to me on Blip since Wednesday!! Phew!! But I'm not complaining, I enjoyed every moment of it!!

Thank you all once more for all the positive reaction to my blips the past two days, it is deeply appreciated!! ;-)

I was fortunate enough to get quite a lot of great bird pics yesterday. A lot of Egyptian Geese, flying very low, an Ibis, flying just above me, got some great close-ups, lots of Hadedas, very close as well, a cute little wattled plover, a blacksmith plover, two hoopoes and even a falcon!

By golly, what to blip!!? So, I decided to leave it for this morning, to ask C&R to help me decide!! Can you believe it?

They decided this humble little yellow finch must be done the honours for today!! So bright and sunny, and oh, só busy building his new house!! I'm sure I can see a twinkle in his eye!! He must've gotten himself the most beautiful of all the finch females to be his blushing bride!! ;-)

I intend watching the progress of this building process, will tell you about it!! Maybe I'll even be fortunate enough to be able to snap the offspring!! Ooooheeee!!!

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