
By EmmySusanne


Technique Challenge 28. Light Painting

Now I know this isn't technically light painting, but when I went outside last night, I saw this. I don't remember ever having the feeling of being speechless before! I thought what I'd seen on Sunday was amazing, but this night is incredible, so incredible that I went out again after midnight for a blip :) I put one I took last night into my Blipfolio.

Now today has been nothing short of emotional turmoil. A horrible argument during the day was followed by this spectacular show, and then I dropped my camera! I couldn't believe it! It had totally stopped working. What an incredibly stupid thing to do.. Anyway it kind of started working again later on, so I'm hoping it'll stay with me for a wee while yet until I get my hands on a new (and hopefully full-frame, yes please) Canon.

I shall try to sleep now and give my camera a day's rest, and start afresh into March - when I shall go without a challenge for the first time in my year of Blip.

Thanks so much to Bob and Sarah, two very talented photographers and artists, for compiling this month's technique challenge, I've learned so much! Looking forward to doing it again later in the year.

My friend Porridge Wog's Aurora Blip of today.. mucho better!! :)

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