
By LadyFindhorn

Getting it Wrong

The morning paper's weather forecast for the Edinburgh area today read: it will be mostly bright and dry, but with the small chance of a shower. brisk winds

WRONG- Gale force wind, bucketing horizontal rain, and dark as Hades.

Despite the weather, his Lordship took off for the hills near Biggar and just as I was wondering if he would be blown back early to the award winning fish and chip shop in Biggar, there to have a leisurely lunch with his pals, the castle door blew open and in he dripped clutching his sandwiches and flask. Turns out it was worse at Biggar than here and so instead of striding over the hills they spent the time in a cafe (but not the fish and chip shop as it wasn't yet open!)

Meanwhile back at the ranch castle, after staggering around in the wind and rain attempting to blip anything that would stay still, it was back to a spot of dusting and cleaning lest David77, when he returns on Friday, should think standards at the castle had slipped.

Now I am about to try and wrap up Christmas presents for Oman so that they are ready for early posting. At least the Egypt ones can go back with David. I am being forced unwillingly to think ahead - so different from when the children were small and living at home and things could be done the night before.

My blip hopefully illustrates the gloom and rain in the city this morning. This was one of the few umbrellas on display- it was too windy for most. Anoraks with hoods up seemed to be the way to keep dry.

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