The purloined peanut!

I have tried and tried to capture a good blip of a tufted titmouse, but somehow they always manage to escape with the treat before I can press the shutter button. They are quick and very camera shy. But today was my day. I managed to snap off three good shots of this lovely little bird. Here he is in his shy pose, and here he is trying to show off his best profile. I think he deserves a gold medal for modeling so nicely, but he didn't hang around long for the medal ceremony.

WEATHER UPDATE: Today was another nice day, the second spring-like day in a row. Away from the big lake, the temps were in the 60s, but, here in our park, we only hit about 55 degrees. However the sun was shining, and that made all the difference. Unfortunately, the forecast for tomorrow is colder temperatures, wind, and snow-possibly quite a few inches. I'm not sure I will be in the park tomorrow from the sounds of that forecast. Time will tell.

P.S. I forgot that I promised on Sunday to tell you what this little chickadee was up to. Like the titmouse, he had just snatched a peanut, but he did it by landing on my thumb for a "grab-and-go" peanut snatch. They sure do love their peanuts! He also landed on the end of my camera lens, sat there and stared at me for awhile. Brave little bird!

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