Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A day...

I don't quite have the heart right now for my usual bird photos, but maybe this marks a slow return. I went out for a while this morning, hoping to lay my eyes on some sandhill cranes who were seen in a nearby farm field recently. No luck with cranes, but I spent some time watching hundreds of Canada Geese arriving at the farm and landing in the cornfields. The ground was thick with geese and the air was alive with their distinctive honks.

I take great comfort from the sound and sight of geese overhead. I grew up in Alaska and spent a number of years on the Aleutian Islands where the sound of geese was part of the fabric of my childhood. So, it was a good way to spend an hour this morning - a bit of nature therapy.

I decided that I wanted to do something extreme with this photo so I did a negative effect on it. I know it is far, far from what I usually do - or even from what I usually like. But I still feel that the world is a bit tilted right now, so it felt right to do something different. If you'd like to see the unedited photo I've posted it, along with 5 other shots from today starting here on Flickr

I can't begin to thank you all enough for your many kind words and support this week. As much we all thought we were "prepared" for my FIL's death, I don't think that we were really prepared at all. It will be good when we have a date for the service and can have everyone together for some closure. We should have something settled today on that.

Footnote: as I write this, there are four titmice right outside my window - almost as if nature planned something to make me smile.

Happy Wednesday...

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