Rushing Water - MonoMonday

I took this photo below the falls out of Derby Pond in Whatcom Falls Park. I took a break from doing "useful stuff" and took a nice long walk in the park. I knew I was looking for water because of the MonoMonday challenge put on by Hobbs. It is almost midnight and I just finished choosing my photo. Take a look at the large version.

I haven't been able to do any commenting for the past few days and this may continue. I miss seeing your photos and sharing thoughts with you. Hopefully the pace will lessen soon and things will get more mellow. I promise I'll be back commenting as soon as I can.

One happy note: last night I woke up and got up. I spent about half an hour clarifying what I want to create for my husband, our daughter and myself. I looked at things I needed to do to bring forth my visions and what things I have been doing that get in the way. Then this morning I did quite a few of the things that I had been postponing due to immediate issues. Taking a look at my vision helped me do what really mattered and bypass what didn't. I feel 100 percent better having done that process last night. It has been awhile since I did this and I am so glad I'm back. Refocusing on what matters to me really helps me live the life I want.

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