MonoMonday - Activity ......

......... in three forms ........

A four-way discussion
Walking while listening (and carrying coffee)
and .... the main subject of my image .... Internet Activity.

Oooops : I thought it was 'Activity' but it's 'Action' .... please accept this as slo-mo action!!!!

This was taken in the United Club at Newark (New Jersey) Liberty airport while waiting for my flight back to the UK ..... both this guy and I had our eye on a table that was about to become free ... we both walked and both said (almost at the same time) "which side do you want?" .... then we both laughed and sat down.

Concentration ....

He told me he teaches literature at the University of California in Merced and originally comes from Oakland (where his parents still live) .... we discussed students, education, photography, London UK, women's prisons (it seems that Cali has the largest women's prison in the world - a fact that upsets him a lot as he feels it is not something for his country to be proud of), the joys of life and travelling (he was on his way back from Copenhagen) and how the internet has changed our lives - and not always in a good way.
All that in around 30 minutes - it seems that people/strangers like to tell me "stuff" - and I enjoy that.

I tried very hard to upload this after he went to catch his flight but the internet connection was far too slow and I had to abandon it until I got home today - therefore a backblip and, technically, too late to be included in the challenge - but I am posting it anyway.

I would also have been perfect for last week's "Portrait" which I missed - again due to travelling.

Not back to normal day-to-day things yet - Mum has had a bit of bad news health-wise - I am taking her to the hospital tomorrow morning, I have collected Himself from hospital on my way back from the airport today - and I have a two day "mission" starting at midnight Wednesday!!!

No peace for the wicked it seems!!!!!! :-))

Up and at 'em is my philosophy at the moment!!!

~ Anni ~

SONY DSC-HX5V : f/4.5 : 1/160" : 12mm : ISO 800

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