Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Twisted bark

Rather unimaginatively, I went to Howth (yet again!) for a blip session, and actually got there by mid morning for a change. That was good, so, but what wasn't good was that I didn't take any photographs in Howth. Why? Because I no sooner switched on the camera than I got the battery warning. That shouldn't have been a problem, since I always carry a spare battery, but it isn' much good when the spare battery is also flat, is it?

So back home I went, picked up a functioning battery, and headed out again. This time I did't go so far — just down the road to Clontarf and St Anne's Park. Today was about spot metering and fill flash and using the electronic viewfinder, so a bit of a learning expedition. I spent a good hour and a half wandering around the park, and got a reasonable crop (see Flickr for the ones that didn't make it here).

This old tree is one of many which have obviously been part and parcel of the Park for a long time (from way before the Park was a park, indeed). This is my pick of a group of shots which I took of it.

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