Views of my world

By rosamund


I've been spending quite a lot of time with my loom trying to get stock onto the etsy shop, I had hoped to finish this piece today but I had spinning this morning, the afternoon at the in-laws and the evening at Marisol's. I'm close to the end though so I should get it finished and listed tomorrow and have time to warp up again before I go back to work.

I had a lovely day today, it was strange being in the shop for the last Spin Saturday but I have made such great friends there that I know we will continue to knit and spin and weave together for many years to come. Without Karen I wouldn't be spinning and weaving now, these are skills I learned through her shop and practised with the fab network of fibre friends who have grown from there. In the past ten years four women have helped change my life for the better, Karen is one of them. (For the record the other three are Joyce, Fiona and Marisol - after all, she gave me her brother!)

Looking forward to a couple of quiet days at home with Carlos and the children before the madness of the summer term descends on Tuesday, still, the holidays start 9 weeks on Wednesday, can't wait!

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