Brand New Information...

I found out something new yesterday. Now before I expand, I found it neat because I reckon not many people on this planet know about this but Mrs TFP was slightly less enthused.

Okay, go to your larder or whilst perusing the supermarket, pick up a tin of soup. More liquidy soup works best. Hold the tin in your fingers so you are holding the top in one hand and the bottom in the other. Now, with your strongest finger, I went with my middle right, flick the tin of soup in to the air, spinning it and catching it. Doesn't need to be high, just enough for it to spin at least half around.

Did you hear that?

It makes a wonderful wee 'thunk' sound which I assume is the liquid inside being pushed against one of the sides. Now you can't actually replicate this sound by just shaking it. My reckoning says that the sound needs the resonance of the tin in free fall where if you just shake it, your hand will dull the tin vibrations that make the sound.

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