
By intothehills

Only a small hill...

...but a hill non the less.
Pushing the knee rehab on today I decided that I needed to start tackling some steeper ground again. So a wander along Knott Lane, past the stone circle (I'm still half of a mind that Orton's less than impressive stone circle is just some local farmers joke) and then on to the fell heading up to the Knott via the steeper options I could find.
As the ground levels and you start to reach the top you emerge into the area where the limestone pavements start to form - so with great care I climbed up onto the grikes and made my way across them - hopping from one to another - putting in far greater effort than usual to land lightly, we eventually made our way over to this pair of wind blasted larch and a well earned rest (note to self - take flask next time!). A stiff 45 minutes of climb had left me huffing and puffing. In use the knee still causes a fair bit of discomfort - but most of that seems to be from the bio-mechanics not being quite right - I think it knows its been injured and it now needs to unlearn the compensations its made for the last couple of years and start to function in its correct alignment - aged 44 I'm learning to walk again. My rehab trainer says that new muscle memory and nerve pathways will form - I just know that basics like standing on one leg & squatting shouldn't be this difficult!

Still with places like this to pop out to its an enjoyable, if somewhat frustrating, process.

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