
By pattons6

Yoga pose

This is me waking from my nap. I was out with grandma and mummy. Boy, I was tired, they are hard to keep entertained. We went shopping, I helped grandma with hers. I handed the cashier the clothes and helped to pay. I even carried the bag. I did help pick out an outfit for my sister, after I had picked out a dress, leggings, a jumpsuit and a winter coat all for me. Mummy managed to get herself an outfit too.

When mummy and I came home I had an epic 2 hour nap, catch up on all the missed sleep from last week. I really struggled to wake up, it took me a good 15 mins to come round enough to play. Mummy and I then played at shops then cooking with the food I had bought at the play shop.

We face timed grandma and grandad tonight. I was showing them my shopping and the fruit I knew by name. We then went to pick daddy up as he was at a retirement do. I was wide awake and chatted the whole way there and back. When daddy took me up to my cot he had a short nap too. So hopefully a long lie tomorrow.....fairies I'm coming to get you!

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