wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Entrances and exits

This is for the Mono Monday challenge hosted by Paladian
I don't usually do the challenges but thought this one would be fun.
I thought that a blip one of my gazillion birdhouses would be fun.
This one was bought in South Carolina many years ago. I had never really gone south before and we drove to Alabama. That was a major culture shock for me. The south is very different. They couldn't understand me. I was way too fast. Way way too fast. Driving a Volvo with Maine plates didn't make us too popular either. They are still pissed about the Civil War. (Ended 1865)
And lest you are from Alabama or Georgia and take offense, I will say that I went to an antique shop where a man informed me that, I sounded like Yankee and we would pay 2.00 more for a Watt bowl I wanted to buy.
Oh and by the way NEVER tell someone from Maine that they sound like a Yankee. This is Red Sox Nation here.
Anyway, I ate squirrel in Alabama. Yup didn't know it until after the fact. I threw it up too. I ate woodchuck also. Always avoid stew unless you see them make it. That is pretty much a rule of thumb for me. Speaking of which I have some rules for traveling with a husband or wife. I am big on the rule thing.
1) I was told once that if you want to know if you really should marry someone, do one of two things together. Hang wallpaper, and take a long trip in a car with him. Needless to say I did not heed this words and waited far too long to do either. By then we owned property together and it took to much work to extricate myself from it.
By the way these are true.
2) when they get bored and start reading the signs out loud, (All the signs out loud) then be sure to have a drivers license before you kill them.
3) headphones. 'Nuff said
4) if he says " this is really good you should try it." IDENTIFY it at all costs.
5) if he uses the restroom at an antique store and runs out grabs your arm and say"quick we have to leave NOW" just go. They probably needed to call a plumber anyway.
6) I wonder where this road goes? Is the most dangerous question in the world. In Kentucky the answer is the scariest place in the world and someplace you do NOT want to go. Rent "The Songcatcher" great movie about Appalachia. That would be the answer.
7) if you are driving down a road and a car behind you starts beeping and speeding up and tries to get your attention. Don't be afraid. It is probably the woman who waved us over with a copy of Yankee Magazine in her hand and told us she was from New Hampshire. She cried and just asked me to speak for her. Told us she missed the north, really missed it and not to eat the pork at Ezells Cat Fish Cabin.
Loved that woman.
8) this motel should be good enough ? Really? Really? It's not. I don't need 5 stars but I want at least 3. Insist on a place that doesn't have paper bath mats.
9) turn about is FairPlay, Just forget the fact that he probably has his own list about me. Like that counts?

Well those are some of my rules.
As you know there will be more. It is my service to you!

I back blipped yesterday's earlier check it out

Have a great evening and/ or enjoy your day.

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