The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Dreaming by the canal

My sister Kate and niece Jezreel and I walked down to town via the canal today, and had tea at the Lock Keeper's cafe.
Unfortunately the cafe will be closing soon, as, after the first three year lease period, the landlord decided to triple the rent. I hope Wendy, the proprietor, finds other premises, but the loss of the cafe is a loss to the whole canal regeneration project.

Kate, who is my younger sister but not my youngest sister, arrived after lunch. They live in Preston, Lancashire, and have not visited for four years, as times have been hard all round. For this visit, she hired a car, and drove down to Worcester to visit old friends, before coming on to us. We have made lots of plans, though I have to work, too, because my half term was last week, not this one! The weather has been very obliging.

I put this through the dream filter in photogene. It seems to have a soft focus effect.

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