Skip's Blips

By Skip

Tappin' Through Life!

I love a good story, and Tappin' Through Life is just spades.With wonderful music played by The Diva Jazz Orchestra, a magnificent, all-women, nine member, orchestra, Maurice Hines tap dances, sings, and talks his way through the story of his life and the life of his younger brother Gregory. It is a fascinating story, beautifully told. If you should have the opportunity to see it, don't miss the chance. The show is two hours long, and Hines is on the stage for most of the time. Amazing energy for a man who is (according to my math) 71 years old. Maybe we all should take up tap dancing!

The blip is a poster outside the theater advertising the show. You can see reflections of the buildings across the street from where I was standing. The tickets for the show were a Father/Mother Day gift from our daughter Becky and her husband. What a treat!

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