Skip's Blips

By Skip

Baby deer visits the yard sale

Today was the annual yard sale on our street. It's a pretty big event. We live on a circle, i.e. two streets that create a circle with only one exit. So for the big sale day the city allows us to post the street as a one way street with parking on only one side. It is very popular destination for the vast number of people who love yard/garage sales. Lots and lots of people we've never seen before visit the street just for the sale. And today, we had one surprise visitor. That's her in the blip! She (or he, it's too soon to tell) appeared in the neighbor's yard just as we were setting up for the sale. She wasn't interested in the sale though, she just wanted to find her momma. She ran alongside the neighbor's fence and into our yard; so I dashed into the house, grabbed my camera, and blip! Bob checked on her later and found her curled up and asleep in an out of the way part of our neighbor's yard. I posted a few more pictures of the baby here, if you want to take a look. I also posted a backblip for yesterday's too busy day! Please take a look at it. Right now I am going to collapse into bed. It's been another exhausting day.

Technical note: I did not intentionally crop the picture that tightly. I was just that close to her when I snapped it. Wish there was a little more space, but it is what it is.

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