Still Buzzing

This is a shameless attempt to prolong Le Yorkshire Tour just a little bit longer! A friend at school today remarked that the staff fell into one of two camps - those that did Le Tour and those that didn't. By lunchtime those that didn't were heartily sick of those of us who did!

I popped along to see our wonderful Sheena who does the displays around school, to give her the link to my photos. She appeared in the staff room at lunchtime with one of my blips beautifully printed and framed, what a star! She said it was for my office but no way, I managed to get it home on the bike and it's going up on one of our walls here.

On the way home, dressed in my full Le Grand Depart gear I had a wonderful bit of deja vu. Twelve years ago pal Helen and I did a charity bike ride along the Nile. On one particular day I had become detached from the Peloton (the ladies who liked to chat and sightsee) through stopping to blip. Suddenly a head popped up from behind an irrigation ditch, said hello and asked me my name. I shouted back hello, and 'Wendy'. Suddenly all along the top of the ditch, little people appeared and called 'Hello Wendy' as I rode along - it was wonderful! Tonight as I cycled past the children's play area at the top of the estate, there were several kiddies riding around on their bikes. A cry went up, 'It's the Tour de France', followed by 'Are you going to France?', 'Are you winning?' - they were too small for sarcasm so perhaps, for a few moments they felt the race had arrived in their backyard - despite it being in the form of an ageing, puffing, female on a mountain bike!

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