
By orchid99

Rain, rain, more rain, and mud !

The forecast was for rain and it was not wrong. The rain came, and came and came.....

I had to drive to the Forest of Dean, a lovely part of the UK, but an area very prone to flooding. The M5 was horrendous and then the M50 was worse. If I had not been driving I could have taken some spectacular pictures of the swollen rivers, the flooded fields and the swirling mist and eerie feelings, even during the supposedly daylight part of today.

I was driving (or working) and all I could do was pull over briefly into a parking area just off the motorway (totally legal).

Rain was everywhere, rain, rain, more rain - and the deep brown mud of the mixture of rich Gloucestershire soil and the rain, rain and more rain. I actually loved the patterns and the reflections in the puddle....

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