Forget the weather app!!!

This morning at 6am Ann looked at the ‘weather app’ on her phone. It said it was foggy in St Ives and was going to rain for most of the day……………….

…………Well, I went for my normal trek around town and there was no fog to be seen!!! Trekked around town in the morning sunshine.

We’ve just done our ‘normal Saturday thing’………………… in brilliant sunshine.

Ann goes to work, I go to my dogsitters, Ann picks me up, we go down the ‘Beach Bar’ for a few drinks, etc, etc, etc, Fabulous early evening sunshine tonight.

We come home, Ann feeds me, she sits on her ‘wine drinking chair’ and has another glass of wine while admiring our fabulous view………………… in the sunshine.

Then she comes in, cooks dinner, eats dinner, takes me out for my bedtime wee, grooms me, we go to bed…………………..

………….And the whole process begins again………………

Ann loves her iphone………….. But obviously the ‘weather app’ is not actually giving us a very realistic overview of the weather in St Ives today???

Today St Ives has been very, very, sunny.

Today Ann's iphone weather app has lied???!!!

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