
By LadyFindhorn

Oh No, More Snow

It was Edinburgh's turn for the snow this morning - the nasty, wet, quick- to- melt type.
Although in general, I like snow, I've had my fix this winter and I don't want it back.
His Lordship fell quickly into his role of chief path clearer at the castle, although in the event, he needn't have bothered as it melted away very quickly.

We were in town again today trying to locate and buy a Sony handset thingy to take out to Egypt. We didn't have any luck, but the enforced walk along Princes Street afforded some lovely snowy views of the castle and the gardens beneath. It was beautiful in a grim, medieval kind of way, until the weather cleared, the sun came out and the snow was almost a has been.

Because his Lordship's laptop is getting a bit long in the tooth and frankly past it, he was anxious to revisit John Lewis and have a look at the Macs on display. This meant I was forced to stand nearby and cast my eyes over the cameras. Only our steely resolve got us out of the store empty handed. It's not a hard choice to make between a spanking new computer and a magnificent camera or painting bits of the castle is it?

As we passed South St David street I blipped these workmen, not one of them leaning on a shovel and I pose this question:-
How many men in hard hats does it take to lay a paving slab?
Answer:- 4
Why?:- Because it just does!

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