
Another full day of reviewing today. This time I planned extra time in between shows to go home and do each write up before the next.

The second show of the day happened to be in Duddingston Kirk Manse Gardens. To get there from my house there is an obstacle in the way; Arthur's Seat. I did what any runner would have done, I decided to go up and over along one of my favourite running routes. If I can't run it, you can be damn sure I'll walk it.

This (pictured) is the point where temptation became overwhelming. I had my running trainers on, because you need decent shoes if you're going up on a trail, so I succumbed and ran a wee bit. Now I know what you're thinking, that I engineered it so I'd be alone on my favourite trail wearing my running shoes...

I can only say that I didn't consciously plan it. But damn it felt good! And so now I feel worse, because now I want to go for a proper run!

Good news though, my appointment for the specialist biomechanical unit came through - 8 September! Woo!

Shows today:

21. Once Upon A... Interactive and imaginative children's theatre. Review here!

22. Scots Double Bill. A further look into some of Shakespeare's women. Review here!

23. Hamlet. Review here!

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