The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Smoke and mirrors

Dragons den # 1

I have serious issuses with the secondary school education of my children. They have never been shinning stars, but never really struggled ......until now.
I find us in a situation where of we don't pay for private tuition, they will fail and therefore not get the grades they need to get to university. I do not want to push them, but want to give them all the help I can.
They may not do well and therefore "The school", may be proved right that they had done all they could to give them the tools they need and it was up to the boys to use them. But is it not right that they should be giving them this support without us having to shell out the cash?

A very elderly tutor arrived this afternoon to try and help the eldest with his maths. He may not be able to get him to a high standard for his Prelim exams, but hopefully will make a difference for the Exams in May.

Also spent quite a bit of time encouraging and cajolling the youngest to finish an essay he should have done for his English tutor for Friday. He now feels quite proud to have a first draft done.

Unfortunately I find we are not alone as many of the boy's fellow students are also receiving added tution. Perhaps that is why the school appears to have reasonable achievment stats instead of the true teaching picture.


Sorry rant over...........for now.

Spent most of the day catching up on the week's cleaning and preparing for a special day tomorrow, not least picking up our "Win" from yesterday.
I feel sure there will be several blip opertunities from it.

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