Up with the lark .......

....... the morning dew, the light and the pigeons.

Out at 06.30 - too late for the sunrise but the light was nice. A ride round the country lanes and the tally was five squirrels, a rabbit, a pheasant and a few seagulls - I wasn't able to photograph any of them!!

Into Holbeach thinking I might photograph the beautiful flower tubs around the church - all creams, yellows, golds and white - according to the sign the colours were chosen as it's the 50th anniversary of Britain in Bloom. It's definitely the best display I've ever seen here. (These three don't do them justice - there are at least 50 along with tall, hanging displays)

Instead, I liked the sun through the tree and the shafts of light on the dew-laden grass - add two pigeons to the tally of wildlife seen!!

It's worth a click .....

Thank you very much for all your "nutty" comments, stars and heart on yesterday's blip - as always, much appreciated.

~ Anni ~

Thought for the day:

“Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”

(Hans Christian Andersen - 1805-1875)


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